Fresh Egg Pasta Dough for Ravioli

Written by: Emilie Pullar



Time to read 2 min

With the fresh egg pasta dough recipe, you’ll be able to make a variety of stuffed pasta shapes. It’s a rich, silky dough that’s pliable enough for making ravioli, tortellini, and more.

You’ll see in the ingredient list that I specify a weight of eggs, instead of a number of eggs. I highly suggest that you weigh your eggs for the pasta dough.

Weights of eggs can vary dramatically and by using weight rather than a specific amount, you are guaranteed a dough that will come together perfectly every time. I learned this from chef Evan Funke and I haven’t looked back.

With 400 grams of flour you know you will be using around 4 eggs. Crack them one by one into a bowl on your kitchen scale. When you have cracked three, you’ll know if you need a whole last one or maybe just a bit of it. If I need more, I usually crack the last eg into a cup, mix it up with a fork, and then drip it in until I get to 228 grams.  

Fresh Egg Pasta Dough for Ravioli

Prep time

1 hour




350 grams ’00’ flour 
50 grams semola (very fine semolina, aka semolina rimacinata)
228 grams eggs

Special Equipment


Mix the flour together in a bowl then tip it out onto your bench. Create a well in the center of the flour mound. (I use the bottom of a bowl to do this.)

Tip the eggs into the well and start to whisk them with a fork, breaking up the yolks and gradually incorporating the flour from around the sides into the middle. Keep doing this until the mixture in the middle is thick enough that it won’t escape or run out – a scrambled egg consistency! Then go in with a bench scraper and start to fold it all together, cutting the egg mixture into the flour like you are cutting butter into flour when making pastry. When you have an even, shaggy mixture, bring it all together into a mound with your hands.

Knead the mixture for a few minutes until it comes together into a workable ball. It will – don’t fear! It may feel a little sticky but resist the urge to add flour.

Wrap in cling film and rest for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes knead for a further 8 or so minutes until you have a smooth dough.

Wrap in plastic wrap and rest for at least 30 minutes but preferably an hour or longer.

Pasta dough can be left out, covered, at room temperature for up to 2 hours, or in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Before rolling out, make sure the dough comes back up to room temperature.

Emilie Pullar

Emilie Pullar is the home cook behind Burnt Butter Table. Based in Auckland, New Zealand Emilie runs her own clothing label by day but turns into a pasta chef at night. Happiest when kneading pasta dough and browning butter of course!