Peach Burrata Pistachio Salad

Written by: Sarah Ubertaccio



Time to read 1 min

Juicy end-of-summer peaches are topped with creamy burrata and crunchy pistachios for a salad that comes together in five minutes flat.

During summertime, I love nothing more than juicy fruit-based salad.

I follow a simple yet foolproof formula: choose fruit, add cheese for tang, top with nuts for crunch.

Then after that, I mix and match with fresh herbs, spices, and some kind of dressing (balsamic + EVOO almost never fails) to tie it all together. It’s a meal that comes together in five minutes flat, perfect for picnics as well as vacation meals when you don’t know how stocked your Airbnb kitchen will be.

And in true Italian fashion, I will tell you that the key to this dish is this: choose a fruit that’s in season and ripe.

At the time of writing this recipe, it’s peaches but you could easily replace them with nectarines, plums, or watermelon.

Peach Burrata Pistachio Salad

Prep time

10 minutes

Cook time

10 minutes




2-3 peaches
8 ounces burrata cheese, at room temperature
1/4 cup pistachios, shelled and crushed
fresh basil leaves
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic Vinegar
flaky sea salt, q.b. (as much as needed)


Slice the peaches into wedges, removing the pit.

Arrange the peaches on a plate.

Cut the burrata cheese into teaspoon size pieces. Arrange on top of the peaches. (Alternatively, you can leave the burrata whole and slice open while at the table for that oozing burrata presentation.)

Sprinkle on the crushed pistachios and fresh basil leaves. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Finish with flaky sea salt and serve immediately.

Sarah Ubertaccio